Providing peace of mind whilst
raising standards and profits.
The farmers and landowners Grasslands work with find real peace of mind, knowing that their asset is being managed and well maintained, and that they can rely on a share of the profits that are being generated. Above all else, the landowner can enjoy all these benefits from the comfort of their own farmhouse.
The cows are managed to the highest of standards, giving access to the most lucrative milk contracts and the land is managed sympathetically, optimising the access to environmental schemes.
Best practice is regularly shared between the Unit Managers to the benefit of all farms. Grasslands manage a number of farms giving them considerable buying power, generating economies of scale which are shared with the landowner.
Grasslands supply all staff for the farms: they pride themselves on their bespoke training programme for managers and their continued investment in developing their teams. A great deal of care and attention is taken to develop relationships with landowners, tailoring a service to meet their individual needs, thereby building a trusting relationship that safeguards the longevity of the farm.
The Grasslands service covers all aspects of dairy farming, from the day to day farming operations to an office-based administration and qualified support team. Grasslands will take away the burden of paperwork, including book keeping, payroll, passports, supplier agreements etc.
The support team work closely with the professional representatives of the landowner, dealing appropriately with all aspects of the farm’s administration. In addition there are robust recording and reporting systems to monitor the performance of the farm.
Grasslands contracts have been developed to offer a fair agreement to both parties, with the flexibility to be adjusted to meet the different requirements of individual landowners. Grasslands will work with the landowner to agree the required strategic investment in their farming asset.